
From Gospel Translations

Revision as of 16:42, 21 September 2007 by Mahra (Talk | contribs)
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Where to put a page

For articles

Use the name of the article as its page name. For example, the Desiring God article "How Not to Commit Idolatry in Giving Thanks" is located at How Not to Commit Idolatry in Giving Thanks

For books

The title of the book will serve as the main page name, and chapters will be added /Chapter 1, etc. So the Sovereign Grace Ministries book This Great Salvation is located at This Great Salvation, and its first chapter is at This Great Salvation/Chapter 1.

For translations

Translations follow the same name conventions as above, but at the end of the name will add a /(two letter language code). So for instance, the Spanish translation of the This Great Salvation's first chapter is at This Great Salvation/Chapter 1/es.

The reason we use that convention for now is that it allows us to add an automatic translation listing to the top of our pages. For instance on this page, you can see that there is a Spanish translation of it available (though it's actually blank, just created for the purpose of illustration).


For now, we are capitalizing the names of books and articles as they were originally printed. (Capitalization makes a difference in getting to your destination. A link to hELP:OrgANIZation wouldn't get you to this page.)

Prefixes (i.e., Help:)

Prefixes should not be used to organize most of our articles. So for instance, putting a page at DesiringGod:Some_Article or Book:This_Great_Salvation would be incorrect. All books and articles go into the default namespace, which uses no prefix.

Pages that do use prefixes are those in the Help: namespace and the Project: namespace. At Help:, you'll find articles like this one that explain how to use this wiki properly. At Project: (interchangeable with osm:), you'll find community discussion pages, project updates, and that sort of thing.


This wiki has the ability to add individual pages to categories by adding the code

[[Category:(Name of category)]] 

to the bottom of a page. What this allows is for people browsing the site to visit our Categories page and see what material has been indexed here.

Each page should have four category tags at the bottom. They are

For example, the page for This Great Salvation has the following code at the bottom:

[[Category:Sovereign Grace Ministries]]
[[Category:C.J. Mahaney]]
[[Category:Robin Boisvert]]

That makes it a lot easier for people to browse the content we have by author, copyright holder, topic, or format.

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