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Master Glossary

This is the glossary for standardizing the words used for key theological terms.

To suggest a change, put it in parentheses followed by a question mark next to the current term: (new term?). To suggest an addition, post it in the table at the bottom of this page.

English Term Translation
atonement 속죄
believer 믿는 사람/ 기독교인
expiation 속죄
Gentiles 이방인들
godliness 경건함
gospel 복음
imputation 전가
justification 의롭다고 하기
legalistic 율법주의적인
plant churches 교회 개척 하다
predestination 예정설
propitiation 유화/화해
ransomed 예수님의 피로 구해지다
reaching out 관심을 주다/전도하다(evangelize)
sanctification 신성화
self-righteous 독선적인
substitution 대속
repentance 회개
wrath 분노

Suggested Additions

If you would like to add a term to the master glossary, suggest it in the table below for others to evaluate.

English Term Translation Suggested By
accountability 책임 Dan Buckley
avoid 피하다 Dan Buckley
discernment 분별 Dan Buckley
eschatology 종말론 Dan Buckley
glory 영광 Dan Buckley
grace 은혜 Dan Buckley
Holy Spirit 성령 Dan Buckley
mercy 자비 Dan Buckley
Sabbath 안식일 Dan Buckley
sin Dan Buckley
soul 영혼 Dan Buckley
sovereign 주권 Dan Buckley
theology 신학 Dan Buckley
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