Talk:10 Reasons Why I Am Thankful for the God-Breathed Bible/es

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Peer Review by Fernandezm

I truly enjoyed proof-reading the above mentioned article.  I could not have performed the translation any better, myself.

In my opinion, Leticia Buffa did an excellent job in capturing the essence of this article.

As suggested by Charissa, I used "La Biblia de Las Americas (LBLA), as my reference to proof read.

The following are some modifications I thought would enhance the translation, but nevertheless I would appreciate a third party's opinion on such.

I will proceed by identifying the modification(s) per item number as listed in the article.

1. "La Biblia aviva la fe, fuente de toda obediencia."

Instead of "aviva" I believe that "despierta" reflects the term "awakens" in a truer manner.

Aviva is more in toon with "stimulates".

3.  La Biblia libera de Satanas.

At the end of the first sentence, I would add the following:

"al ser insultado".

6.  La Biblia brinda amor.

After reviewing 1 Timothy 1:5 in the LBLA, perhaps the following will be closer to the LBLA translation:

"Pero el propo'sito de nuestra instruccio'n es el amor nacido de un corazo'n puro, de una buena conciencia y de una fe sincera. (1 Timoteo 1:5)"

Please note that the accent needs to go directly over the vowel "o" in all cases above.  I am not sure of how to set my keyboard to Spanish. 

Would appreciate help in this department. :-)

7. La Biblia salva.

Once again, after reviewing the passage in the LBLA, I believe that the following would be a closer translation to the LBLA:

"Ten cuidado de ti mismo y de la ensen~anza; persevera a todo ello, porque asi' asegurara's tu savacio'n y la salvacio'n de los que te escuchen. (1 Timoteo 4:16)"

"Con toda perversidad engan~ara' y hara fallecer a los que se pierden por haberse negado a amar la verdad y asi' ser salvos. (2 Tesalonicenses 2:10)"

9. La Biblia revela as Sen~or.

I believe that the LBLA translation can be used as is, in this instance:

"Y el SEN~OR se volvio' a aparecer en Silo; porque el SEN~OR se revelaba a Samuel en Silo por la palabra del SEN~OR. (1 Samuel 3:21)"

Please advise me on my approach to proof reading this article.  I welcome all suggestions for improvement. 

I aplogize for not having started sooner.  At present I am planning to dedicate a couple of hours every Sunday to continue the proof reading effort, if this is acceptable.

In Christ's Love,


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