Why Small Groups?/Foreword

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Some might be wondering, “Why another book on small groups?” Actually, we would
prefer that a book like this weren’t necessary, but it clearly is. Though there seems to
be an endless supply of books written about and for small groups, we have found little
that 1) contains sound doctrine, 2) is written by pastors, and 3) places a biblical emphasis
on the local church. So you hold in your hands our small contribution. We hope it
is helpful.

Participating in this project was a real joy because of its purpose and content. No less
significant was the honor of working with men I deeply respect. Each of the men who
contributed to this book is passionate about God, the local church, and small groups. I
believe that will be evident as you read each chapter. What may not be evident is the
sacrifices they have made over the years to train and care for God’s people.

You won’t find theories in this book; you’ll find biblical principles that have been put
into practice by the authors since the early 1980s. For this I would like to thank each of
the authors. Apart from their effective service and leadership, this book would not be
possible. Special thanks to Greg Somerville, not only for his fine chapter but for his
excellent editing skills as well.

This book is dedicated to all the small-group leaders in the churches we have had the
privilege to serve. You have been exemplary in your passion for God, your commitment
to the local church, your support of your pastors, and your care for God’s people. We
thank God for each of you! And we can’t thank you enough for the difference you make.
It is a distinct privilege to serve our Lord and his purpose with you.

Soli Deo Gloria!

- C.J. Mahaney

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