Disciplines for Life/Solitude: Getting Alone with God

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"Elijah was a man just like us” (Jas 5:17). I find this statement one of the more difficult in the Bible to accept. Elijah was anything but normal. We know little of his background except for his hometown, Tishbe, an obscure place in biblical geography. He arrives suddenly on the scene during a time of national apostasy in Israel’s history and announces a three-year drought that will only end when he says so.

Though lots of people even in our day have announced the end of the world, none have been accurate to date. Such people usually make their announcement to a select few believers who are promised they will escape the calamities to come. That wasn’t Elijah’s style. He spoke directly to his king, a man named Ahab. In effect he prophesied economic disaster and claimed that it was under his control. The prophecy proved true and Elijah, along with all of Israel, suffered through the drought. For this the prophet became nationally infamous and was given the nickname “The Troubler of Israel.”

"The one who doesn’t know how or when to be silent doesn’t know how or when to speak."[1]

At the end of three years Elijah received word from God to announce to Ahab the end of the drought. At the time, Ahab’s wife Jezebel, a Baal worshiper and daughter of the king of Sidon, was committing genocide against the prophets of the Lord. Ahab was out looking for him when Elijah reappeared. Rather than fleeing for his life, Elijah tells Ahab to gather Jezebel’s pagan prophets and meet him on Mount Carmel for a showdown. Ahab complies, probably because he was desperate for rain.

The story is familiar. Four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal spend half the day screaming, chanting, dancing, and finally slashing themselves with swords and spears in a desperate attempt to get their god to consume a sacrificed bull with fire from heaven. In the end, it doesn’t work. Elijah, who had a flair for making his point, has gallons of water poured on the dead bull and his pyre, prays a simple prayer, and watches as the Lord of heaven and earth incinerates the bull, the wood, the stone altar, the water, and the earth beneath it . The audience decides that if anybody deserves their support at this time it is Elijah and his God. The prophets of Baal are thus summarily slain. Elijah then proceeds to tell Ahab that rain is on its way.

Not bad for a day’s work.

Following events like these, one would expect Elijah to command Ahab to repent of his apostasy, execute or at least banish his queen, and cleanse the land of idols and their worship. Then Ahab could live and rule happily-ever- after with Elijah as his trusted adviser.

The opposite happens. A drenched Ahab crawls back to Samaria to report the day’s events. In a fit of rage, Jezebel invokes the curse of her gods on herself if she hasn’t killed Elijah in the coming 24 hours. So what does this commander of rain and fire, this slayer of apostates do? He runs to the desert for his life. Why? Because he was a man just like us. He could only take so much. After three years of drought, hiding, and infamy—followed by a day of tense confrontation and massive bloodshed—he’d had it. He could take no more. He was terrified of this venomous queen, despite the fact that he had seen her prophets decisively defeated only the day before.

Meditate on Psalm 43. What positive effect does persecution or disaster have on our relationship with God?

This kind of collapse can happen to anyone who seeks to serve God. We end up drained and can give no more. The slightest pressure, let alone a death threat, causes us to fall apart. Elijah was so overwhelmed that he sat in the desert and prayed a suicide prayer: “I have had enough, Lord,” he said, “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” So what did God do? First he met Elijah’s need for food, then he sent him to a mountain where he could be refreshed alone with his Lord. God gave him food, God gave him rest, and God gave him solitude. In solitude Elijah was able to regain the strength and the vision to once again serve his God.

God Doesn’t Shout

I don’t know of any “how to” books that recommend hibernating in a mountaintop cave as a way to beat depression. Modern-day counselors probably would have urged Elijah to try anti-depression medication, join a recovery group, or perhaps build up his weakened self- esteem through positive mental images. But God had a simpler and more effective plan: get away, get alone, and get quiet.

"It is important that we get still to wait on God. And it is best that we get alone, preferably with our Bible outspread before us. Then if we will we may draw near to God and begin to hear Him speak to us in our hearts.[2] — A.W. Tozer

Before speaking to Elijah on the mountaintop, God sent a violent wind, an earthquake, and then a fire. As awesome as these were—not to mention noisy—God wasn’t in them. Elijah didn’t even come out of his cave until he heard the sound of a gentle whisper. That was his cue. And that’s when the Lord began speaking.

We don’t hear God in the earthquake, in the fire, in the violent rushing wind—we hear him in a whisper. That’s tough for us living in the noisiest era of world history. With television, radio, telephones, email, newspapers, billboards, and more clamoring for our attention, we would certainly find it a lot easier to hear God if he cranked heaven’s loudspeakers up to full volume. But that’s not his style. He won’t yank away the headphones of your personal stereo system or turn down your car radio to get your attention. He whispers. And we can’t hear his whisper unless we’re quiet inside.

When we find ourselves in Elijah’s shoes, needing a fresh perspective on life or new hope for what the future holds, it’s time to seek out a quiet place where we can be alone with God.

For Further Study: Silence is a mark of wisdom, as Solomon states in Proverbs 10:19, 17:28, and Ecclesiastes 9:17.

ne with God. I seem to feel a greater need for solitude than most people. There’s a path along the Potomac River where I enjoy walking. More often than not the noisiest thing I hear is a woodpecker. Sometimes I pray; sometimes I’m just quiet. I don’t always hear anything unique from God. Yet my goal is to create opportunities where I would be able to hear him if he had something to say. Unless I routinely break out of my noisy, busy lifestyle, I’m not sure God would be able to get a word in edgewise. So I’ve made solitude a discipline.

At times we just need to be by ourselves. Jesus felt that need when he got news John the Baptist had been beheaded. Matthew writes, “When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place” (Mt 14:13). Imagine our Lord’s emotions. John was his cousin. This was his forerunner, the man who understood his messianic mission better than anyone else. And what an ugly reminder that his own death was imminent! It’s my guess that after such discouraging news Jesus needed to get refocused on his ministry and gain fresh strength from his Father.

"The normal course of day-to-day human interactions locks us into patterns of feeling, thought, and action that are geared to a world set against God. Nothing but solitude can allow the development of a freedom from the ingrained behaviors that hinder our integration into God’s order.[3] — Dallas Willard

Maybe you’re confused about God’s purpose for your life. Maybe you’re grieving over the death of a loved one, or are stressed out by the demands at work. Perhaps you have young children and your brain is fried from a million and one questions like, “Why does the toaster make the toast brown?” It’s time to get alone with God. Find a quiet time and place to wait for his words.

Scripture doesn’t command solitude. You can be a Christian without taking long walks by the river or holing up in a mountaintop cave. But if you hope to hear God’s voice and have your spirit replenished, you will definitely want to explore the benefits of spending extended time alone with God. Learn what makes your life noisy, then block out seasons of solitude when you can silence those things and focus on your Father.

1 Because we often depend on noise to block out turmoil in our hearts, solitude can be scary. Briefly describe your thoughts on the following quote by Louis Bouyer: “Solitude...serves to crack open and burst apart the shell of our superficial securities.”[4]

Personal Retreats

Soon after submitting my life to God as a teenager, I discovered the value of spending extended time with God on “personal retreats.” It’s never easy to set aside a day or several days for this purpose, but these large chunks of solitude have been such a benefit that I can no longer live without them. They restore my spirit, they deepen my intercession, and I frequently receive specific direction from God for problems or decisions I’m facing.

Meditate on Proverbs 16:3. What is involved in committing our plans to the Lord? Do you submit decisions to him for his “rubber stamp” approval or do you let him lead you to a decision?

Now even if you agree with me in theory, you probably have lots of questions—the what, where, when, and why questions that are essential in order to fully understand how personal retreats work. I’ll do my best to answer those questions over the next few pages.

It would be great if the Bible recorded the specifics of our Lord’s retreats. We know he spent a good deal of time in solitude, and that those times contributed to his phe- nomenal spiritual strength. But he apparently didn’t pub- lish an agenda or itinerary. So the most I can offer are my own experiences and suggestions. They will be practical, but they’ll also be mine, and so obviously not Scripture. If other techniques make your solitude more fruitful, please don’t feel there’s anything sacred about mine.

"Some are greatly affected when in company; but have nothing that bears any manner of proportion to it in secret, in close meditation, prayer and conversing with God when alone and separated from the world. A true Christian doubtless delights in religious fellowship and Christian conversation, and finds much to affect his heart in it; but he also delights at times to retire from all mankind, to converse with God in solitude. And this also has peculiar advantages for fixing his heart, and engaging his affections. True religion disposes persons to be much alone in solitary places for holy meditation and prayer.[5] —Jonathan Edwards

Choosing a time. If an urgent need emerges, there’s no time like the present for taking a retreat. Yet by making retreats a routine part of our schedule, we can potentially catch some problems before they turn into crises. One model would be to set aside three or four hours each month; one day every three months; and two or three days once a year. Maybe you can’t commit this much time. Maybe you’re in a season where you need to commit more. Whatever the case, I would encourage you to see retreats as a preemptive strike rather than an emergency escape.

Picking the place. Atmosphere is critical for an effective time with God. Here are some important criteria for choosing the best location:

A quiet place with few distractions. I wouldn’t recommend going to the local shopping mall. Also, make sure you get away from the pressures of your daily routine. Rather than taking retreats at home, my wife will use the home of a friend who is on vacation. That way she isn’t tempted to clean the closets or reorganize the bookcase.

A safe place. Women especially should find a place where their efforts to seek God won’t be hindered by fear or danger. If being alone in a strange place makes you nervous, consider taking your retreats with a friend.

A place with adequate heat. Once your teeth start chat- tering, your brain will have a hard time focusing on God. Fasting makes you especially susceptible to the cold. Unless it’s the middle of the summer, take along extra clothes and blankets—a space heater is great in the winter—just to insure that you stay warm.

A place with adequate space. I enjoy doing a lot of walking during my personal retreats. I’d probably get cabin fever if I were shut up in a hotel room for more than a few hours. So I’ve gone to a nearby retreat center that has over 200 acres of land, including a path that goes all around the property. This lets me enjoy God’s creation and get a little exercise as I think and pray.

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