How Can I Change?/How to Use This Book

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How Can I Change?, like each book in the Pursuit of Godliness series, is designed

for group and individual use.The series is the logical outgrowth of four deeply held convictions:

■The Bible is our infallible standard for faith, doctrine, and practice. Those who resist its authority will be blown off course by their own feelings and cultural trends.

■Knowledge without application is lifeless. In order to be transformed, we must apply and practice the truth of God’s Word in daily life.

■Application of these principles is impossible apart from the Holy Spirit. While we must participate in change, he is the source of our power.

■The church is God’s intended context for change. God never intended for us to live isolated from or independent of other Christians. Through committed participation in the local church, we find instruction, encouragement, correction, and opportunities to press on toward maturity in Christ.

As you work through these pages, we trust each of these foundational convictions will be reinforced in your heart.

With the possible exception of the “Group Discussion” questions, the format of this book is equally suited for individuals and small groups. A variety of different elements have been included to make each chapter as interesting and helpful as possible. For those of you who can’t get enough of a particular topic, we’ve listed at the end of each chapter one or more additional books that will help you grow in the Lord.

While you are encouraged to experiment in your use of this book, group discussion will be better served when members work through the material in advance. And remember that you’re not going through this book alone. The Holy Spirit is your tutor. With his help, this book has the potential to change your life.

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